Top Page English version of DLLs

Common Archivers Library

English|Japanese version DLL .

  1. English version of DLLs
  2. Both UNLHA32.DLL and UNZIP32.DLL are bilingual.
    That means if you use it in Japanese environment, you get Japanese messages. But in other language environment, you get Engish messages.

    If you have any questions,don't hesitate to mail me ;-)

  3. English version Applications that use Common Archiver's DLLs
  4. Following applications are bilingual.
    That means if you use it in Japanese environment, you get Japanese messages. But in other language environment, you get Engish messages.

    Sorry but Documents are only in Japanese.

  5. for Developers who use Common Archiver's DLLs


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(2010/11/26 Updated)